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Registered under the Society Registration act 1860, 12A, 80G, Niti Ayog & ISO Certified || Registered under The National Trust || Registered under the act 2016 of Rights of Person with Disabilities || Registered under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 || Accredited Centre of NIOS (OBE) || Boys Hostel Available

Founder's Message

I love devising educational, life-enhancing arrangements for children, young adults and adults. My focus has been on establishing an educational environment for children with a variety of special needs profiles – from those diagnosed as gifted with learning challenges to others with severe learning disabilities.

It is my honour and privilege to greet you as the Head and Founder of Holy Heart Special School. After completing my educational qualifications and working as a special educator in few of the reputed schools of Delhi, I found there was an urgent requirement to bring a change in the special-education system and related services field in India. Parents who were capable of affording the best services for their special-needs children always thought of shifting to the Western countries for better opportunities. I wanted to bridge the gap between the services available in our country and the establishments in other developed countries, in terms of the quality of expertise, infrastructure and attitudes. I felt inspired and committed to developing the entire set-up with a holistic approach. Therefore, I took the initiative of establishing the Holy Heart Special School.

Ours is truly a unique curriculum to design a community that would appreciate, understand, challenge and embrace a child just as they are, irrespective of the differences- physically, mentally or economically.

Our school embraces the complete individual supporting the learning goals, competency, needs and style while inspiring each child into engaging communication and significant learning. We aim towards helping them create meaningful relationships with adults as well as with each other. Based on each individual's profile, teaching strategies, learning disorders, a specific curriculum is adapted to fit their evolving developmental profile and individual learning styles.

Watching our students build their capacity to learn and become more confident, capable individuals is truly a joy.

You have the power to change lives by supporting them with kindness and generosity. Donate Now!