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Registered under the Society Registration act 1860, 12A, 80G, Niti Ayog & ISO Certified || Registered under The National Trust || Registered under the act 2016 of Rights of Person with Disabilities || Registered under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 || Accredited Centre of NIOS (OBE) || Boys Hostel Available

Learning Disability

A learning disability affects how a person accepts and processes information. An individual with LD may have trouble with:

  • Reading - Dyslexia
  • Writing abilities - Dysgraphia
  • Doing math - Dyscalculia
  • Understanding directions - Dyspraxia
  • Auditory Processing Disorder
  • Visual Processing Disorder

The signs of a learning disorder:

  • Lack of interest in reading or writing
  • Trouble remembering
  • Working at a slow pace
  • Difficulty in following directions
  • Unable to stay focused on a task
  • Difficulty understanding concepts
  • Lack of attention or too much attention
  • Poor social skills
  • Disruptiveness

Special education is the most common treatment for learning disorders. After doing an evaluation to pinpoint where your child is having problems, a team of special educators will create an individualized education program (IEP) for your child that outlines what special services he/she needs to thrive at school. Special educators will then help your child build on the strengths and teach methods to counterbalance the weaknesses. The Special Educator assists the children with learning disorders, enrolled in the NIOS with their academic enrichment and examination procedures.

Other (Dis)Ability

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