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Registered under the Society Registration act 1860, 12A, 80G, Niti Ayog & ISO Certified || Registered under The National Trust || Registered under the act 2016 of Rights of Person with Disabilities || Registered under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 || Accredited Centre of NIOS (OBE) || Boys Hostel Available

Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is caused by a random error in cell division that results in the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21.

Common physical signs of Down syndrome include-

  • Decreased or poor muscle tone
  • Short neck, with excess skin at the back of the neck
  • Flattened facial profile and nose
  • Small head, ears, and mouth
  • Upward slanting eyes, often with a skin fold that comes out from the upper eyelid and covers the inner corner of the eye
  • White spots on the coloured part of the eye (called Brushfield spots)
  • Broad, short hands with short fingers
  • A single, deep crease across the palm
  • A deep groove between the first and second toes

Common cognitive and behavioural problems may include-

  • Short attention span
  • Poor judgment
  • Impulsive behaviour
  • Slow learning
  • Delayed language and speech development

Early intervention for infants and children with Down syndrome can make a significant difference in improving their quality of life. Because each child with Down syndrome is unique, treatment will depend on individual needs. Also, different stages of life may require various services.

Other (Dis)Ability

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