To Top ↑ Award: Holy Heart Special School


Registered under the Society Registration act 1860, 12A, 80G, Niti Ayog & ISO Certified || Registered under The National Trust || Registered under the act 2016 of Rights of Person with Disabilities || Registered under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 || Accredited Centre of NIOS (OBE) || Boys Hostel Available

Award Branch : Dwarka Mor

We got an invitation for upcoming seminar titled "Inclusion: Empowering Diverse Abilities through Sports," hosted by Modern School, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi in collaboration with Modern Institute for Education on Saturday, 13 April 2024 at Modern School, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi – 110001

The Seminar aims to dive into meaningful discussions on how sports can break barriers and promote inclusivity, especially for Persons with Disabilities (PwD).

A ceremony to acknowledge and celebrated the achievements of individuals and organisations who have made significant contributions in the field of inclusivity, spanning various domains.

"We are honored to announce that Sneh Social Welfare Foundation has been awarded for our outstanding contributions to the disability field.This recognition is a reflection of our unwavering commitment to creating a moreinclusive society where individuals with disabilities are empowered to reach their full potential. Throughout the past year, we have worked tirelessly to break down barriers, raise awareness, and promote accessibility. This award serves as a reminder of the impact we have made & the lives we have touched. We extend our deepest gratitude to our dedicated team, supportive partners, and the entire disability community for their continued collaboration and support. Together, we will continue to strive for progress and positive change."

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