To Top ↑ Diwali Mela stall at Amity University : Holy Heart Special School


Registered under the Society Registration act 1860, 12A, 80G, Niti Ayog & ISO Certified || Registered under The National Trust || Registered under the act 2016 of Rights of Person with Disabilities || Registered under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 || Accredited Centre of NIOS (OBE) || Boys Hostel Available

Diwali Mela stall at Amity University Branch : Dwarka Mor

As a token of appreciation and support, and as community social responsibility, Amity University Uttar Pradesh (Noida) organized Diwali Mela for showcasing the skilled abilities of Persons with Disabilities on Wednesday, 19th October 2022 from 11:00 A.M to 4:30P.M.

We with immense pleasure joined this event to put up their stalls with Diwali products in the Amity University Noida premises which has a footfall of thousands of students and staff members.

The objectives of the Diwali Ability Mela were to create Disability acceptance & awareness, promoting Inclusion & Diversity in the Campus.

Our children participated & with great enthusiasm showed their products to the amity’s students and staffs. This type of stall motivates the children with special needs a lot. It was a great pleasure for our students to attend this event. 

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