Industrial Visit to Parle G Factory Branch : Dwarka Mor
Even though you are growing up, you should never stop having fun. – Nina Dobrev
Holy Heart Special School organized Industrial visit to Parle G Factory.
The students were taken to the factory in Bahadurgarh. They were escorted by the official who took them to the manufacturing unit and students got a chance to see the inside view of the factory where right from dough (the first input) to last stage i.e., packaging and how each step is performed mechanically.
The students were also taken to the printing department. In one minute, lakhs of products can be ma- nufactured by an efficient machine. The environment inside was aesthetic, pure & hygienic. The Parle G products are economically so affordable that these are marketed even in the remotest part of the country.
The visit ended with a vote of thanks from both the sides. Students were given packets of Parle wafers and delicious Mango Bites.
Overall, the activity was highly interactive & a great learning experience for the students on the conce- pts related to production and operations within a manufacturing plant.