To Top ↑ World Disability Day: Holy Heart Special School


Registered under the Society Registration act 1860, 12A, 80G, Niti Ayog & ISO Certified || Registered under The National Trust || Registered under the act 2016 of Rights of Person with Disabilities || Registered under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 || Accredited Centre of NIOS (OBE) || Boys Hostel Available

World Disability Day Branch : Dwarka Mor

Every year, the  International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is marked on December 3. The day is observed to promote the rights and well-being of people with disabilities at every level of society and development. Additionally, it also aims to raise aw- areness of the situations of persons with bdisabilities in all aspects of political, social, economic and cultural life.

‘When everyone else says you can’t, determination says,” YES YOU CAN.

On this day, an inter-school competition was organised by Holy Heart Special School. Here, our childr- en nurture our own creativity by making different craft work or drawing using their potential of mind.

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